Naturally Bulletproof your Immune System| Dr. Daisy Tey, Ph.D., M.D.-AM

Naturally bulletproofing our immune system is the best way to support our health. For one, it is without synthetic medication & it’s non-invasive. Thus, safe!
Nutritional & lifestyle changes are necessary if support for our immune system will be achieved. But what changes are necessary? Nutritional changes require nutritional supplements if daily requirement of vitamins & minerals are met. This is so because, of the scarcity of nutrients from our food sources considering the pollution that abound in the air, soil, & water.

The nutritional & lifestyle changes are discussed here in this sharing. The nutritional supplement that serves as the magic bullet providing the immune system support, in resisting entry of viruses, bacteria & other superbugs to the cell will be discussed. How is the mechanism of action in this nutritional supplement will be taken.