S88 Vitamins + Coffee Plus Philippines Healthy and Beauty Everyone can Drink

S88 Vitamins + Coffee Plus Philippines
Everyone can Drink
If you’re wishing to have a body fit and firm, bright skin, look younger and healthy. Please contact us.

All in one Healthy and Beauty Drinks
S88 Multi-vitamins + Coffee Plus
50 Calorie 0%Sugar 0%Cholesterol

What this product can offer?
BLOCK​ : Help in the process of trapping fat, starch and sugar
BURN : Help in the process of burning excess fat
DETOX : Improve the process of excretion
BUILD​ : ​Strengthen the balance with vitamins, minerals and fiber for the body
BOOST : Power up Adds freshness, rejuvenation

Develop recipes from Korea and United States of America
Manufactured in Thailand by a national quality supplement factory.
FDA Number 13-2-00759-2-0596

High standard, safe, confident, can be exported around the world

With the mellow and appropriate taste of our unique formula mixed with the aroma from fine Arabica coffee through the process of roasting and grinding carefully, we get nice aroma and mellow taste. Use sucralose as a sweetener instead of sugar. 0% fat and sugar

Abound in vitamins, minerals and fiber that are beneficial for the body
S88 Vitamin + Coffee Plus, we give more than vitamins and coffee that is exactly to our unique formula.

How to drink: can be drunk both hot and Cold
Preparation method: Hot & Cold
Hot coffee: brew 1 pack of S 88 Vitamins + Coffee Plus with 120cc hot water, stir and drink
Iced coffee: tear the pack, pour into 120-200 cc cold water, shake or stir to dissolve and drink immediately

To increase efficiency, should drink 10-15 minutes before meals

#S88 Vitamins + Coffee Plus Philippines
#Everyone can Drink
#Philippines Popular Healthy and Beauty Drinks
#Philippines Famous Healthy and Beauty Drinks
#Philippines celebrated Healthy and Beauty Drinks
#Philippines Healthy and Beauty Drinks
#If you’re wishing to have a body fit and firm #bright skin #look younger and healthy
#BLOCK​ Help in the process of trapping fat, starch and sugar
#BURN Help in the process of burning excess fat
#DETOX : Improve the process of excretion
#BUILD​ Strengthen the balance with vitamins, minerals and fiber for the body
#BOOST Power up Adds freshness, rejuvenation