UPKARMA IMMUNITY BOX REVIEW | How to boost immunity?? Vitamin C immunity booster | Amla for VitaminC

Hey guys,

In this video we are going to talk about immunity box by upkarma, the box contains a few products like
1. Amla drops
2. Ginger drops
3. Chayavanprash
4. Giloy juice
5. Ashwangandha

You might have been already aware of the benefits of these products like, they helps in boosting the immunity because they contain lot of antioxidants and vitamin c

Vitamin C is very popular and is believed to improve or boost immunity

Ashwangandha also boosts immunity, releases stress from the body

How to boost immunity?
Vitamin C for boosting immunity
Ashwangandha benefits
Benefits of ashwangandha
Ashwangandha for boosting immunity
Chayavanprash for boosting immunity
Dabur chayavanprash
Giloy juice for boosting immunity

Vitamin C for boosting immunity against corona virus

I hope you liked the video for today.

Stay fit