Super Immune Boosting Natural Herbal Tea.

Super Immune Boosting Tea

This tea is a super immune booster. You can drink everyday or once in a while. This tea has properties that can calm you down, help with colic, digestive issues, sleep, anxiety, and is packed with Vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, fiber, and many other healthy properties, some that have been known to prevent certain types of cancer. Right now, during flu system and not to mention with this pandemic, preventive maintenance is always key. Boost your immune system now and help your bodies immune system fight off any possible infections and viruses.

For this recipe you will need:

1 orange
1 lemon
Raw honey
Eucalyptus leaves crushed
Chamomile tea bags
32oz water

I hope you enjoyed this episode!

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