Stay Healthy This Winter With Vitamin D

Stay Healthy This Winter With Vitamin D – Dr. J Live Q & A

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Hey, guys! We have Dr. J chatting about how essential vitamin D especially this winter season. Vitamin D is a wonderful, fat soluble vitamin used to maintain homeostasis in the body (temperature, blood pressure, pH levels, etc..) and it also aides in bone remodeling and strengthening. There is also correlation between Vitamin D3 status and immunity against virulent conditions such as influenza and the common cold. Vitamin D3 can be obtained through a few foods in your diet as well as exposure to sunlight as it is converted in the skin. With the colder weather season approaching and daylight savings time in full swing, the time spent outside and exposure to sunlight will drastically decline, which will leave your Vitamin D3 stores in the body thinking “What is happening to me?!”

How to avoid a deficiency this winter? Dr. J suggests smart food choices – consuming vitamin D rich foods like canned salmon, milk, tuna, and mushrooms will help. Vitamin D enriched foods such as soy, yogurt, cereal, orange juice, and eggs are easy to work into your diet as well; Vitamin D supplements – nutritionists will tell you that it’s best to get your essential vitamins and nutrients from healthy food choices. But in the case of vitamin D, that might not be possible. If you are concerned your vitamin D levels might be low, talk with your physician and ask for a simple blood test to check. If you are deficient, your doctor will either order a prescription dose of vitamin D or recommend an over-the-counter supplement.

Interesting questions such as how to maintain vitamin D in normal levels, do you need to worry about depleting other nutrients while taking supplemental D3, and other vitamins/supplements needed if a person has respiratory problems. All these and more so don’t skip the whole video!

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani
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