How We'll Beat Coronavirus – Doctor Explains How COVID-19 Will End

A doctor explains the different ways that the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic might come to an end. Plus some banging tunes.

YES YES OK I MEANT MARCH 5th NOT MAY. Dammit Jim I’m a doctor not a spelling bee champion. I mean I’m Indian, just not THAT Indian.

This is the first of a few planned videos on COVID-19, time permitting. Plans so far are:
– A cheeky movie with a bottle of Corona (this weekend I hope!)
– A closer look at coronavirus and the heart + what happens in the ICU
– Considering how a pandemic might look from my point of view as a hospital doctor.

Vietnam –
Ecuador –

There are many excellent resources on YouTube for further information about the coronavirus, these are just a few but ones I highly recommend:

@MedCram – Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY An incredible series of detailed videos (now numbering 31 and growing every day!) with updates that are not difficult to understand. From an ICU doctor.

@Chubbyemu’s video was made with unprecedented access to some of the doctors in China filling in details to go along with published case reports.

@Strong Medicine Always trustworthy and easy to understand, Eric has several coronavirus updates

@Doctor Mike Mike’s also made several videos on the topic and it’s very reassuring to know the medical voice that travels furthest on YouTube is one saying sensible things. Definitely calmed a lot of people down!

@Doctor Mike Hansen I didn’t know Mike’s channel before this but he’s been diligently cranking out some high quality SARS-CoV-2 videos which are worth a look.


More Medlife Crisis:

Main references:

Public Health England, CDC and WHO websites