Vitamins gk |50 questions

#Vitamins_50_questions #Gkbook

Vitamins and their chemical names

1.Different types of vitamins are ?
2.What are the fat soluble vitamins
3.What is called as study of vitamins ?
4.Name the vitamin which helps in blood clotting ?
5.Niacin is the chemical name of which vitamin ?
6.Vitamin c is present in ?
7.Liver damage is caused due to the overdose of which vitamin ?
8.Name the vitamin which are essential for the health of the brain ?
9.Which Vitamin is lost when peeled vegetables are washed ?
10.What is the chemical of Vitamin A ?
11.Night blindness is caused by due to lack of which vitamin ?
12.Name the vitamin which prevent the infection in human body ?
13.What is the other name of disease Night Blindness ?
14.Name the vitamin which is also called as anti-cancer vitamin ?
15.Name the disease which is caused by lack of Vitamin A ?
16.Name the vitamin which is also called anti-inflection vitamin ?
17.Name the vitamin which is also called as sunshine vitamin ?
18.Name the vitamin which produces pigments for eye ?
19.Who is most likely to develop scurvy-A vitamin C deficiency ?
20.Osteamalacia disease is caused by due to lack of which vitamin ?
21.Which of the following food source are the best sources of vitamin A ?
22.Which is the vitamin giving yellow colour to milk ?
23.Which Vitamin helps immunity of body ?
24.Which Vitamin helps in the absorption of calcium ?
25.Anaemia is caused by Deficiency of ?
26.Rickets is caused due to the deficiency of which vitamin ?
27.Deficiency of vitamin __________ is the main cause for ‘Beri-Beri disease’
28.Name the vitamin which is formed in human skin ?
29.What is the chemical name of vitamin B-2 ?
30.Due to which Vitamin Human skin and lips get cracked ?
31.Pellagra disease is caused by due to lack of which vitamin ?
32.Which vitamins are found in abundance in fish’s liver ?
33.Which vitamin is helpful in making RBC’S in Human Body ?
34.Vitamin which helps in chemical transmission of images from eye to brain is ?
35.Vitamin which helps in antioxidantion is ?
36.Which vitamin deficiency cause infertility ?
37.Vitamins which are not stored in our called ?
38.Vitamin A was discovered in which year ?
39.Bleeding of gums due to lack of which vitamin ?
40.In our body vitamin stores at ?
41.Softening of bones in of children is due to deficiency of which vitamin ?
42.Eating of polished rice causes which disease ?
43.Amla is rich in which source of vitamin ?
44.Name the scientist who gave the word vitamin ?
45.Which Vitamin is called beauty vitamin ?
46.What is the chemical name of Vitamin B-6
47.What is the chemical name of Vitamin B3
48.What is the chemical name of Vitamin K
49.What is the chemical name of Vitamin B-5
50.What is the chemical name of Vitamin B10
51.What is the chemical name of Vitamin A
