The Floating Dragon Flag

Barbell dragon flag. First time completing it. I had to mess with the weights several times. Settled on 155 lbs for the best counter balance point.

First back squats since getting covid. I survived covid 19 and they were right, it is a literal warzone. Call of Duty: Warzone the video game was what I was in everyday playing while on paid sick time isolation from work. It was a mild/moderate cold. No coughing, no sneezing, no runny nose, no loss of taste or smell. No fever on the thermometer ever. Very good body aches and lots of feverish chills/ hot flashes, sweats which is typical of a good cold for me. NO ONE IN MY FAMILY GOT SYMTOMS. I don’t have any lasting symptoms.

I was never afraid. I thought this feels like a cold- I’ve had one before. Corona virus even belongs in the family of the common cold. I was angry and embarrassed I had to sit in a drive thru testing line along with other dumb people in their cars alone wearing masks. Angry I could add to a statistic for these unreliable tests. Where’s the statistics for people like me that had covid and felt it was a nothing to worry about- where are those numbers flashed all over tv?

Whats the point of the test? Their wasn’t any treatment, just a (+) test to tell me what I know- I’m sick.

I took lots of vitamin C, D, and water and video games in isolation.