14 Signs That Indicate You Have A Nutritional Deficiency

From unexpected weight gain, poor night vision, hair loss, pale skin to weak bones and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them.

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#NutritionalDeficiency #Deficiency #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Dental Problems – 00:40
Severe Hair Loss – 01:16
Burning sensation in the feet or tongue – 01:55
Poor night vision and white growths on the eyes – 02:32
Scaly patches and dandruff – 03:08
Red Or White Bumps on Skin – 03:44
Brittle Hair and Hair Loss – 04:14
Fingernail Ridges – 04:40
Slow Healing Wounds – 05:08
Weak Bones – 05:32
Constant Muscle Pain – 06:32
Dry Skin and Wrinkles – 06:54
Pale Skin – 07:32
Unexpected Weight Gain – 07:53


1. Dental Problems: Your mouth is one of the first places signs of poor nutrition can show up. A lack of vitamin C can cause the bleeding, irritated gums of gingivitis or gum disease. In severe cases, you could even lose your teeth.

2. Severe hair loss: While everyone loses about 100 strands of hair a day, suddenly finding clumps of hair on your pillow or in your shower drain merits a mention to your doctor. It could be a sign of bigger issues, such as low iron levels, which affects your energy, or thyroid disease, which could lead to sudden unexplained weight gain or weight loss. If you have a thyroid disorder, it can make your muscles weak, your joints ache and your skin dry and pale.

3. Burning sensation in the feet or tongue: If you’re experiencing this, it should definitely sound an alarm as it usually indicates low levels of vitamin b12. This nutrient plays an essential role in your health by producing hemoglobin, that helps the cells in your body receive life giving oxygen. This vitamin is also needed for a variety of systems, like your digestive tract, to work properly.

4. Poor night vision and white growths on the eyes: A nutrient-poor diet can sometimes cause vision problems. For instance, low intakes of vitamin A are often linked to a condition known as night blindness, which reduces people’s ability to see in low light or darkness. When left untreated, night blindness can progress to a condition that can damage the cornea and ultimately lead to blindness.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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