Astrology prediction coronavirus in January and healthy anticovid nutrition tip

Dear friends,

Hello! I will give you presentation on covid-19 in three steps today.

The first is information what we hear in the news. The second part is analysis of the coronavirus horoscope and the last, but not least, is that I will give you one tip on healthy eating habit in corona times.

Stay with me! Subscribe to my channel if you would like to keep being informed, this will also make me pleasure!

So, in the news unfortunately we hear and read that this coronavirus crisis is endless and cyclic. We go back and back to lockdown and look desperately that the famous new vaccine will save us. The thing is that we don’t understand and for this reason, the horror film doesn’t stop.

Now I will show you as promised the horoscope and explain it according to covid-19 for January 2021.

You have two major events on the sky: Jupiter conjunct Saturn and Jupiter and Saturn square Uranus. That’s important because it predicts a major event regarding coronavirus. When Saturn is affected and forms interactions with other heavy planets as Jupiter and Uranus are, it means that we have lessons to learn. We haven’t learnt, then new modification of the virus is coming. If you consider the covid-19 is past, I can reassure you that it’s not and there would be consequences not in months but in years. Uranus is explosive planet and perhaps even if we do efforts to calm down the covid infections and to decrease the ‘curve’ or the number of cases, they literally explode.

So, please don’t forget that what happens on the earth is for sure written amidst the planets.

I would like to give you my healthiest tip against coronavirus. It’s not the injection of course, I am against the vaccine, it’s in the nature and more specifically in food intake. Please consider taking portions of vegetable (vegan) milk from nuts such as almond, rice or soja. They are much healthier than normal milk and they will for sure help you to keep the virus away. All vegetable milks contain vitamin D, calcium, and protein, making them very good in nutritional content. Almond milk is naturally rich in several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E.

That’s all from me for today! Stay safe and healthy this day and during all January! Bye bye!
