24 Heart Healthy Superfoods Foods to Reduce Heart Attack and Stroke Risk

24 Heart Healthy Superfoods Foods to Reduce Heart Attack and Stroke Risk
The #1 killer in the United States is still heart disease and 6 million people struggle with living with heart failure today. We can maintain a healthy heart by getting annual checkups, exercising at least 3 times per week, quitting that smoking habit and reducing the level of stress in our lives. All of these things positively effect our heart health and including heart healthy superfoods in your daily diet is another healthy heart strategy with heart healthy benefits. Studies show that we can prevent heart disease and reduce heart attack stroke risk by making the right food choices.
So today we will review 24 heart healthy superfoods that will ensure a robust healthy heart.
1. Wild salmon fleshy fish, full of omega-3 fatty acids that improve the risk of heart disease, boosts healthy heart benefits reducing the risk of sudden heart attacks and support a healthy heart.
2. Drinking black coffee is linked with a decreased risk of heart attack stroke risk.
3. Liver is the most nutrient-dense organ meat. Liver helps to support a healthy heart and contains lot heart healthy benefits.
4. Walnuts contain heart healthy nutrients providing an easy way to add superfoods to our diet. Walnuts omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants making walnuts a nutrient dense heart-healthy snack.
5. Chia seeds and flaxseeds contain omega 3 fatty acids that reduce high blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
6. Oatmeal especially steel cut oats and rolled oats reduce cholesterol.
7. Dark skinned blueberries are heart healthy superfoods packed with the antioxidant resveratrol and flavenoids that reduce heart disease risk.
8. Green tea is a heart healthy superfood that supports your heart by reducing high blood pressure or hypertension. Drinking green tea is a healthy heart strategy associated with a small reduction in cholesterol plus
heart healthy benefits.
9. Soy milk helps reduce cholesterol and boosts circulation of the blood throughout our body. Soy milk does not contain cholesterol and is naturally low in fat.
10. Dark Chocolate is a heart healthy superfood. Chocolate can be part of a healthy heart strategy.
11.Raisins is one of the heart healthy superfoods that reduce high blood pressure and increase immune boosting antioxidants.
12. Broccoli is a green vegetable that is full of antioxidants and high in fiber.
Eating steamed broccoli is a heart healthy superfood and can lower cholesterol levels.
13. Brussels sprouts, a heart healthy superfood, is a another vitamin rich veggie that reduces inflammation in the cardio system and improve the health of blood vessels.
14. Cauliflower is a heart healthy superfood but not a green vegetable
but it reduces cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack.
15. Eating yams especially with the skin on are a great source of heart healthy nutrients. Yams are a heart healthy superfood that reduces high blood pressure.
15. Asparagus reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
16. Beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils are legumes that reduce bad cholesterol. These heart healthy superfoods reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
17. Whole grains include cholesterol regulating bran and rice with heart healthy benefits.
18. Apples are heart healthy superfoods that can decrease your bad cholesterol by 37% and provide heart healthy benefits.

19. Oranges reduce high blood pressure and reduces inflammation in the body. Oranges protect the heart against stroke which is a great heart healthy superfood to pick up from the supermarket today. Grapefruits also protect against stroke and helps reduce cholesterol.
20.Avocados are loaded with good fats and antioxidants that lower blood cholesterol, the risk of blood clots, decrease hardening of the arteries and provide heart healthy benefits.
21. Olive oil, specifically extra virgin olive oil unclog your arteries
and is a heart healthy superfood because it decreases the production of cholesterol and bad fats.
22. Avocados help promote a healthy heart and reduces the risk of heart disease.
23. Spinach is a heart healthy superfood that maintains a healthy heart rhythm which is associated with healthy healthy benefits.
24. Tomatoes have heart healthy nutrients which are all good for the heart. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video!