Coronavirus | #Coronavirus #Microbiology #Microbiallifewim

– Coronaviruses (CoVs) are important pathogens for human and vertebrates.
– They can infect respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and central nervous system of human, livestock, birds, bat, mouse, and many other wild animals.
– CoVs belong to the subfamily Coronavirinae in the family of Coronaviridae of the order Nidovirales, and this subfamily includes four genera: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus.
– The genome of CoVs is a single‐stranded positive‐sense RNA (+ssRNA) (~30 kb) with 5′‐cap structure and 3′‐poly‐A tail.
– The genomic RNA is used as template to directly translate polyprotein 1a/1ab (pp1a/pp1ab), which encodes nonstructural proteins (nsps) to form the replication‐transcription complex (RTC) in a double‐membrane vesicles (DMVs).

Four to five different types of Corona viruses infect humans.
The most famous human Corona virus, is SARS.

 MERS does not spread easily from person to person.
 In the cases where it has appeared to have spread
between people, those cases involved close contacts: family
members, co-workers, fellow patients and healthcare workers.

 Corona viruses primarily infect the upper respiratory and
gastrointestinal tract of humans.
 Most people who got infected with the novel corona virus
developed severe acute respiratory illness with symptoms of
fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Some people were
reported as having a mild respiratory illness.

The main pathogenesis of COVID-19 infection as a respiratory system targeting virus was severe pneumonia, RNAaemia, combined with the incidence of ground-glass opacities, and acute cardiac injury.

• Keep away from someone with a heavy cough.
• Use a tissue to cover the nose/mouth when coughing, sneezing, wiping and blowing noses.
• If a tissue isn’t available, cough or sneeze into the inner elbow rather than the hand.
• Avoid Direct hand contact with eyes and nose.
• Wash Vegetables and Fruits very well before cooking.
• Adhering to food safety and hygiene rules such as avoiding undercooked meats, raw fruits and vegetables unless they have been peeled, or unsafe water.
• Wash hands with hot water and soap at least six or seven times a day
• Disinfect common surfaces as frequently as possible.
• Wash hands or use a sanitizer when in contact with common surfaces like door handles.
• Avoid contact with camels and other live farm or wild animals, including not visiting camel farms. If contact has been made, thoroughly wash hands with soap
• PPE (Mask,gloves)and appropriate hand hygiene also help reduce the spread of infection.

There is no treatment until now. supportive medical care is provided to help relive the acuteness of symptoms and control complications.
There is no vaccines available.

Greetings from Microbial Life : WE, I & MICROBES.

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•Community Immunity Ambassador(UAEaid,Dubai)
•Co-founder & Chief Editor(Microbial Life WIM)

•Community Immunity Ambassador(UAEaid,Dubai)
•Co-founder & Marketing Head(Microbial Life WIM)

Qualification :
•Msc Microbiology (Annamalai University)
•Diploma in Pathology (European Open University)
•Pregnancy & Breastfeeding (Havard Medical School, USA)
•SARS-COV & Cardiovascular Complication (Stanford Medicine, California)
•IPC for COVID-19 (WHO)
•Emerging Respiratory Virus, IPC (WHO)
•Basic Nutrition & Immunization (ICMR, NIN)
•Non- Communicable Diseases & Anaemia (ICMR, NIN)
•Pneumonia & Diarrhea (Jhons Hopkins School of Public Health)
•Laboratory Testing (Govt. Of India)
•Basic Science (IACS, Govt. Of India)

**Both the Educator having the same qualification**

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