becadexamin multivitamin side effects | FIT MUSCLE TV and ROHIT KHATRI are wrong ?? | becadexamin

In this video I review becadexamin multivitamin which is really promoted by lots of top youtubers like rohit khatri who has over 3 million subscribers and Fit muscle TV which is known as one of the best fitness YouTube channel in indian fitness community but do the check the information they give you???. So in this video I review the becadexmain multivitamin and state to you all the harmful effects it can have on your body and what things can go wrong after using becadexamin . this video is not made to hate on someone and I really respect Gaurav taneja bhai but it is made just to give knowledge to the viewers who might buy these cheap multivitamins after being influenced by these youtubers who themselves use very expensive products but they tell you to use these harmful cheap products so if you thin this video may help someone then do like this video and don’t spread any hate.
Content in this video.
How youtubers promote this cheap multivitamins .
What is a multivitamin.
What are the types of multivitamins.
Becadexamin review.
Harmful side effects of multivitamins like becadexamin.
Becadexmin Side effects.
Should you buy becadexmin without doctors prescription.
Price of becadexamin.
Why becadexamin is very cheap.
Why high quality multivitamins are very expensive.
Harms of using cheap becadexamin.
What can be done.
What to do if you are tight on a budget.
Replacement of becadexamin.