Easy 5 minutes Qi Qong for health and a stronger immune system (e.a. protective against corona)

The Effects of Tai Chi and Qi Qong on Health and the Immune System have been scientifically researched:

During the past 45 years more than 500 trials and 120 systematic reviews have been published on the health benefits of Tai Chi. Systematic reviews of Tai Chi for specific conditions indicate excellent evidence of benefit for preventing falls, osteoarthritis, Parkinson disease, rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and improving cognitive capacity in older adults. There is good evidence of benefit for depression, cardiac and stroke rehabilitation, and dementia. There is fair evidence of benefit for improving quality of life for cancer patients, fibromyalgia, hypertension, and osteoporosis. Current evidence indicates no direct benefit for diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or chronic heart failure. Systematic reviews of general health and fitness benefits show excellent evidence of benefit for improving balance and aerobic capacity in those with poor fitness. There is good evidence for increased strength in the lower limbs. There is fair evidence for increased well-being and improved sleep. There were no studies that found Tai Chi worsened a condition

The current review of RCTs indicates that practising Tai Chi and Qi gong can have a positive impact on immune system functioning and inflammatory processes. Given the vital role of the immune system, and in particular the influence of cytokines, in the current viral pandemic, preventative public health strategies to improve immune functioning in the general public, and those with medical conditions, are needed. However, while the promotion of Tai Chi and Qi gong to the general public and healthcare professionals as a preventative health intervention for strengthening the immune system is recommended.