Honey And Lemon Water For Weight Loss

Sipping on a hot cup of honey lemon water is both tasty and soothing.
It has also been promoted as a healing elixir in the health and wellness world.

There are claims that this drink can help melt fat, clear up acne and “flush out” toxins from the body.
Both honey and lemons have many health benefits, causing some to wonder if this combination is beneficial to health as well.

Honey is one of the oldest foods in the world.
It has been used as both a food and medicine for thousands of years, even as far back as the stone age.

It is often used as a natural substitute for processed sugar in baking, cooking and beverages, and it also has medicinal uses.

Lemons are popular for their tart juice and zesty rinds.
Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C and contains small amounts of B vitamins and potassium.
Making honey lemon water is simple.
Just mix the juice from half of a lemon and a teaspoon of raw, high-quality honey into a cup of hot or warm water.
Honey lemon water can be enjoyed at any time of the day, including as a relaxing pre-bedtime drink.

While honey lemon water is an enjoyable beverage, it shouldn’t replace plain water in your diet.


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