How To Get Vitamin – C For Lemon – Lemon Health Benefits – Natural Way To Get Vitamin – C

If you think that you have in deficiency of vitamin C, then this video is must watch for you. After this video, I hope you will get your answer that how you going to figure it out whether your body is lacking vitamin C, or whether you providing excess vitamin C to your body. That’s all I’m going to cover in this video. And that will help you to give you excellent results. Not only that, I would also tell you that what are the common problem you will face if your body lacks vitamin C. So let’s start with the vitamin C. So when it comes to taking vitamin C, what we think we think that it’s very hard to get through natural resource so we start focusing on other supplements nutrition supplements where we get tablets to fulfill the nutrition requirement, but here I will tell you that how you can get your vitamin C through natural way and that is best things because that will prevent you from others substance which are involved in the medication.

Personally, I don’t recommend this to you to take any kind of multivitamins to fulfill the requirement I just tell you to focus more on the natural stuff. So you can prevent the harm of that medication. So here the question comes that how you going to identify whether your body is lacking vitamin C or not or whether you are providing excess vitamin C to your body. So the very common problem comes into play in your body.

When you have a deficiency of Vitamin C you feel you must have been feel or notice that you sometimes you have started having the gum bleeding or suddenly for no very start having your nose bleeding or when you go to the washroom for your party. See that sort of bleeding is coming. So that is the first indication that you having a deficiency of vitamin C, when you have less vitamin C in your body, this nutrition helped me to prevent unnecessary bleeding into unnecessary internal bleeding out, say.

And the second one is, it prevents you from the common cold, which is very normal when we start having any kind of changes in the weather like suddenly it was warm, and after the rain, it became cold, then we start having problems in our body late starting feeling colds, tiredness, laziness. So that’s one problem. And the third problem you will face related to cardiovascular clarity. If you have a deficiency in your body of vitamin C, you will start feeling like your heart will be filling and behaving unusually, the third one and then the fourth one is stroke. And the fifth one is low blood sugar, as I told you that cardio was clarity is very important. And somehow that’s created impact if you have a less deficiency on your in your body for vitamin C, so what will happen your blood sugar level is getting down. So if for maintaining that you have to maintain the vitamin C requirement in your body. And now let’s come to the point like how are you going to measure that whether you are providing the required amount of vitamin C to your body or you are taking excess.

So here I would suggest you if you analyze or study a normal common size, lemon has 18 points 95 milligrams of vitamin C in that. And the average intake of vitamin C throughout the day is between 65 to 95 milligrams. So this is the required vitamin C intake for an adult they have to take throughout the day. So what I would say that force, just takes one lemon, make it to slice, take one half in the morning and take the other half in the later in the evening or maybe at the dinner I would say that you have to take in the evening. In this way, you will able to provide vitamin C throughout the day. So this will help you to improve and solve all these problems which you will be facing or maybe you are facing right now you are able to solve this one. So start taking this and that will help you to improve your health. But I will also cover the other benefits in the letter down this video. So I hope to watch that video as well. If you have ever told me that lemon juice will help you to reduce your weight, you heard it right. But if you don’t take it properly, that can create a lot of consequences on your health.

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