Covid Mutant and vaccines

SECOND_WAVE, Mutant Strain. VUI – 2020-12-01, virus_mutant, Covid 19, immune_system, mutation, antibodies, blood coagulation, spike protein, receptor-binding, N501Y, ACE-2 receptors, D614G, SARS-CoV-2, RNA,

You may be aware of the birth of a New mystery virus. It is the mutated Covid within a patients body. The Mutant Strain May Be Up to 70 Percent More Transmissible than Covid 19. This strain has been named VUI – 2020-12-01, the first variant under investigation in December.

Remember, there is no cure, no treatment or no specific vaccines. All the vaccine projects have to be restarted from zero. Your immune system can become your worst enemy now, do not alter your existing immune system. They can challenge and provoke your immune system to over react.

All future complications will be due to your body’s immune system and not due to the virus. Immunothrombosis is a phenomenon known to occur as a result of host defense against various pathogens, including viral infection.

You can imagine now the dangers. Be safe than sorry. All the knowledge you gained over a period of ten months, just erase them from memory. Only option is left. Keep away from infections. Eat, touch, and breath with caution. Start as if a new pandemic erupted.