Canker Sore and Treatment

Welcome to our latest video all about canker sores. We know how frustrating and painful they can be and we decided to share some tips to help treating them and preventing them.

The treatment options:
For RAU, the most effective treatments involve identifying the cause. Food allergies, gluten sensitivity and nutrient deficiency should all be addressed and corrected. Correction of the cause will stop the cycle of RAU. For example, an allergy elimination diet has been show to have good therapeutic results, elimination of gluten is curative in those with gluten sensitivity and when nutrient deficiencies are corrected, most RAU patients have a complete remission. Even taking extra vitamin B12 (1000mcg per day) alone has shown benefit regardless of whether deficiency exists or not.
Zinc supplementation has also been shown to be helpful. In one double-blind study, 40 patients with RAU were given either zinc sulfate (220mg) or a placebo once per day for one month. Results showed that the levels of serum zinc before treatment were below normal in 42.5% of the patients with RAU. After one month of zinc therapy, the sores were reduced and did not reappear for three months.
A small study of adolescents showed a reduction in the incidence of RAU and associated pain from 2000mg per day of vitamin C.

And now a summary of key individual nutrients that will help to prevent canker sores:
Thiamine 50 to 100 mg per day
Vitamin B6 25 to 50 mg per day
Folic Acid 400 to 800mcg per day
Vitamin B12 1000mcg per day
Vitamin C 500 to 1000 mg twice per day
Zinc 20 to 30 mg per day
Fish oils 1000 mg EPA + DHA per day

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Sending you lots of love and light
from Sanaa Tea.