AVOCADO FRUIT: Nutritional and health benefits

There’s a miraculous mineral to be found in avocado’s : Potassium . Its helps your system keep a healthy fluid balance through chemical channels for cells and organs .Avocados are also a great source of Vitamin C and E. Avocado has antibacterial and antioxidant flavonoids which kill Bacteria in your mouth and make your breath fresh .The ability of avocado’s to give that Extra bit of protection from Cancer comes from the Carotenoids and monounsaturated fat they contain , both of which make their own contribution to the impressive reduction of Cancer
Avocado are rich in fiber which is essential for those unwanted pounds disappear . Fiber is incredibly filling and digests slowly
Avocados rich source of Omega-9 Fatty acids they are helping to maintaining the moisture level in our skin
Avacado’s seed are nutrient-rich .The avocado’s seed also contain 70% of its antioxidant content,also consider one of the best source of soluble fiber. Avocado’s creamy flesh,its chock-full of good fat , vitamins, minerals,antioxidants, and fiber also . keep and maintain a flat tummy .

whip up a face mask, Dry the pits . grind them up and put them in a homemade face mask