21 Amazing Health Benefits of Lemons and Lime You Need To Know

Lemons and limes don’t get the respect they deserve in the nutrition hierarchy. These citrus fruits are usually an afterthought, at best a seasoning, and at worst a purely ornamental garnish. But we’re here to save lemons and limes from nutritional obscurity. The juice, skin, and flesh of these little fruits contain enough nutritional benefits to become a staple of your diet. Here are the top health benefits of lemons and limes.
1. Boosts Immune System:
These two citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, a powerful immune booster. You need to consume vitamin C in your diet, as your body doesn’t produce it on its own. Vitamin C aids the immune system and a 2009 study showed that Vitamin C helps in reducing the duration of the common cold.
2. Helps Prevent Asthma:
For millennia, people have drunk lemon juice to prevent and treat asthma. The high concentrations of vitamin C and anti-oxidants are the primary factor behind the juice’s benefits for asthma. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helping a person become more resistant to external factors that trigger an asthma attack. It also helps the lungs breathe easier.
3. Increase Iron Absorption:
The mineral iron is vital because it helps the blood carry oxygen to the cells and produces energy for regular cell function. Both the citric acid and vitamin C found in lemons and limes facilitate your body’s absorption of iron found in plant-based foods. So squeeze some lemon juice on your next salad, spinach, or grilled veg!
4. Promotes Better Complexion:
Lemons, limes, and oranges all contain collagen, a nutrient crucial to achieving younger, wrinkle-free skin. Collagen delays the aging process and tightens your skin. The vitamin C present in citrus also naturally brightens skin with regular intake. Just take caution when applying directly to the skin, as it can permanently lighten the skin and can lead to brown spots with direct sun exposure.
5. Lowers Risk of Stroke and Lowers Blood Pressure:
A study found that an ingredient in citrus fruit lowers blood pressure in rodents bred with hypertension. Lemons are an age-old staple of eastern medicine, which prizes them for keeping blood vessels soft and pliable, which reduces blood pressure. Both the juice and the peel of lemons or limes can do the trick for this one. Simply squeeze some in your water before and after you go for a walk.
6. Assists Nervous System:
Lemons and limes are high in potassium, which is crucial to nervous system health. Low levels of potassium in the blood can cause anxiety and depression. The nervous system also needs an adequate amount of potassium to send sustainable signals to the heart.
7. Highly Alkalizing:
Citrus fruits are acidic outside of the body. But once they are fully metabolized, the lemon/lime’s minerals are dissociated in the bloodstream. This raises the pH of body tissue above 7, making the body more alkaline.
8. Powerful Anti-Viral and Anti-Inflammatory:
Lemon and lime juice are proven antibacterial and antiviral. For centuries, people have used lemon juice to speed up the recovery from canker sores. In addition, the fruits’ anti-inflammatory properties help fight respiratory tract infections, sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils.
9. Helps Relieve Constipation:
The citric acid in limes and lemons aid with digestion because it interacts with other enzymes and acids which stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and promote digestion. Lemon essential oil is slightly different than lemon juice, and is a much more concentrated version that has long been touted as an alternative medicine, especially used with digestion and constipation.
10. Freshens Breath:
Some people find that the lemon and lime water can help fight bad breath in the mornings. The citric acid in the fruit helps to break down the bacteria that cause halitosis. Put one teaspoon of baking soda, juice of one lemon and one lime, and half cup of water in a glass. Blend all the ingredients well, then rinse your mouth with 1 to 2 tablespoons of this solution for a minute. Follow by rinsing your mouth with plain water.
11. Promotes Hydration:
Electrolytes are minerals in the blood, such as sodium and potassium, that help your body regulate fluid levels. Drinks with more electrolytes will help you stay hydrated longer than plain water. Citrus fruits, such as lemons and limes, have a lot of electrolytes. Not to mention that if you’re adding lemons and limes to your water, you’ll probably naturally drink more because your water tastes more appealing.