Quercetin as Zinc Ionophore and COVID-19 Outpatient Management

We discuss the possible usage of the following drugs in mild to moderate cases of COVID-19.

+ Hydroxychloroquine
+ Azithromycin
+ Zinc
+ Quercitin
+ Vitamin C
+ Vitamin D

Here are the references and notes:
Hydroxychloroquine and zinc

Safe in therapeutic doses especially for short term use. Long term use can cause retinal damage, heart arrhythmias, and blood disorders. See our detailed video about it.

Safe for pregnant and lactating women (infant must be 5kg or more body weight.)

Prophylaxis in India

Healthcare workers involved in caring for the COVID-19 patients. First day: 400 mg BD. Then 400 mg once weekly for the next 7 weeks. With meals.
Asymptomatic family members of the COVID-19 patients. First day 400 mg BD. Then 400 mg once weekly for the next 3 weeks. With meals.

Not for children under 15 years of age.
Not for the patients with retinopathies and known allergies to hydroxychloroquine or 4-aminoquinoline compounds.

French study using HCQ + Z-Pack

Half life is about 40 days. Hence, a short therapy can provide a prolonged course of outcome.

First day 400 mg BD.
Then 200 mg BD.

Mount Sinai

CDC on Hydroxychloroquine

FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA)

Azithromycin in pregnancy. FDA category B.


Daily allowance 11 mg/day

Quercetin (bioflavonoid supplement.)

Apples are high in quercetin (eat apples)

We have previously shown that these polyphenols chelate zinc cations and hypothesized that these flavonoids might be also acting as zinc ionophores, transporting zinc cations through the plasma membrane. 

Sources and dosage

Vitamin C

Up to 2,000 mg/day supplement as the upper intake level.

Vitamin D

33 ng/ml
Consuming 1,000 IU (25 mcg) daily can help bring it to 33 ng/ml
1,000-4,000 IU (25-100 mcg) per day.

Active vitamin D

400-800 IU

How long to stay in sun?

10-15 minutes between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Exercise safety to not get sunburnt (sunblocks)

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Hydroxychloroquine (somewhat successful. Not impressive.)
Zinc interrupts viral replication.

HCQ – 200 mg BD for 5 days.
In the ICU 400 mg BD the first day, then 200 mg BD.
Zithromax: 500 mg once a day for 5 days.
Zinc sulfate 220 mg daily OD for 5 days.

Milder cases
Young (less than sixty) and healthy. You will be fine.
Shortness of breath will be treated with HCQ + Z-Pack + Zinc
Older population that are sick start them soon.

Success is not to die.

Treatment is $20

Heart rhythm problems. Retinal damage.

Mobeen’s addition to the prescription
Vitamin C
Vitamin D (sunlight)

Recommendation by the Infectious Diseases Society of America