UNFORGETTABLE WEEK OF 2020 (From First Huge Snowstorm to First COVID 19 Vaccine)

What a week it was, unforgettable for sure! Last week was historical in a way not only it was the first snowstorm here in the East Coast but most importantly, the first COVID vaccine was administered to frontliners and few chosen individuals across the nation. Less than a year after the discovery of COVID 19 virus, we finally have the vaccine. It is a stunning scientific success story.
Thank you to Pfizer and Biontech for leading the way. Also, to Moderna as their vaccine was just approved and will be ready for distribution this week. To all pharmaceutical companies involved in vaccine development, I am grateful for the effort and dedication to find a way to cure and eradicate this Coronavirus.

The biggest challenge now is the implementation or the vaccination process. A new study showed that 4 out of 10 Americans will definitely or probably will not be vaccinated. A lot of people still have concerns of vaccine safety, long term side effects and all. For companies, especially the essential workforce , the questions are; will they impose a mandatory vaccination?if an employee refuses, will he be terminated from his job? how about those who can’t be vaccinated due to existing health conditions or other reasons ? Taking in considerations the Anti-discrimination Act, do companies need to accommodate these workers?

Some organizations are offering rewards to increase vaccination compliance, like cash bonuses, or ease with use of PPE’s and temperature checks, etc. Let’s hope that more people will be open to be vaccinated. Studies show that we need at least 70% of the population having the Herd Immunity to prevent the spread of the virus..Herd immunity occurs when a large portion of a community (the herd) becomes immune to a disease, making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely. As a result, the whole community becomes protected — not just those who are immune. Hoping for the best, but the big question is how can we contribute to the success of the implementation process, the vaccination?

In the mean time, let’s continue wearing mask, follow social distancing, washing our hands and keeping our immune system strong and staying healthy. (VLOG#53)

Credits to WHO(World Health Organization ) for the vaccine slides.


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