(Chinese Cooked Style) Steam Stuff Hairy Gourd // A healthy Food Benefits Vitamince C

Steam Stuff Hairy Gourd // A healthy Food Benefits


Apart from its delicate, almost bland taste hairy gourd is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 100 gram of Hairy Apple offers 69 mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), 0.07 mg of Vitamin B1, 0. 250 mg of Potassium, 1.7 g of Total Dietary fiber, 0.05 mg of Vitamin B2 and 0.3 mg of Iron.

:Health benefits of Hairy Gourd

1. Improves Physical Performance

Vitamin C presents in Hairy gourd form a very effective defensive line against improving physical performance. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of hairy gourd have been linked to physical performance and muscle strength particularly in older people. It may be hard to believe, but a single serving of Hairy gourd can contain 76.67% of your daily requirement for vitamin C. The high levels of essential vitamins found within Hairy gourd make it a very important part for improving physical performance. It has been discovered that vitamin C doses of 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day might decrease the production of histamines that contributes to inflammation in asthmatic people, and can consequently help to improve asthma symptoms.

2. It Can Help Treat Certain Types of Disease

Vitamin B1 rich foods are used to treat the people suffering with Alcoholism. Apart from improving the mood, vitamin B1 can also help alcoholics kick their dependency. Hairy Gourd intake helps to fight off various other types of disease as well. Different scientific research recommends using Vitamin B1 if case you are suffering from congestive heart failure. Vitamin B1 present in Hairy Gourd helps to fight off things like seasickness, and work like an antioxidant within the body. Lastly consuming Hairy gourd helps to produce red blood cells in your body to fight infection and disease. A single serving of Hairy gourd contain 5.83% of your daily requirement for vitamin B1.

3. Immune System Health

Hairy gourd is a main source of several nutrients, including magnesium, vitamin C as well as other antioxidant compounds. These minerals and vitamins are significant antioxidant components in the body that help to neutralize free radicals all through the body. Free radicals are actually natural, dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism, and they have been associated with a wide band of illnesses, including heart disease, cancer and premature aging. Furthermore, Hairy Gourd contains Beta Carotene. All of this together helps the body to boost its immune response as well as protect from the external substances, as well as the free radicals produced by our own body, that might do us harm over the long term.

4. Blood pressure and cardiovascular health

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease is very much related to lower potassium intakes. Many of us are aware that maintaining a low sodium intake is vital to lower blood pressure, but make sure a good consumption of potassium is equally important. Hairy gourd consists of minimal amount of Potassium, yet consuming hairy gourd regularly can help to fulfill the potassium requirement of the body.



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