How to boost immune system naturally? | How to Increase immunity by food? | Vedic Flavors

Corona is a wake-up call and we have realised that immunity has to come through food that we intake. The regular washing hands or using a sanitiser and a mask, though are helpful, but are all temporary solutions.

We need to improve our natural immunity. Vedic Flavors is a health and wellness company based out of Kochi, Kerala. We source, package and promote the finest Kerala spices and traditional food products. These are sourced fresh and packaged without any additives or preservatives. These Kerala spices and traditional food products, help boost our immunity.

In this video, we propose few steps, which are look quite simple but are actually a little difficult to do consistently in our life

The process to building your immunity is:

• Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. | Include natural fresh turmeric, garlic and other super foods in your diet.

• Sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily | Lack of sleep will impair bodily functions and impact our immunity.

• Drink lots of water | Water helps flush out toxins from our body.

• Exercise regularly. A 30 to 60 minute regular exercise improves metabolism and immunity.

• Manage your stress | Anxiety takes a heavy toll on our immunity.

If we make this a practice and do it consistently, we assure you that it will improve your immunity naturally.

You can reach us at: subhash@vedicflavors.com. Please do visit our website to know more about us: www.vedicflavors.com
