Nutrition 21 | Water Soluble Vitamins 3 – Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Biosynthesis

The biosynthetic pathway for producing riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is needed to make flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) used in redox reactions. Guanosine triphosphate has its 5-member ring opened by cyclohydrolase II, and then through a deamination and reduction bifunctional enzyme RibG (or RibD) in bacteria and plants (order reversed in fungi and archaea). After being dephosphorylated by a haloacid dehalogenase enzyme, the product of DHBP synthase is combined with the ARP intermediate by lumazine synthase and then combined by riboflavin synthase to generate riboflavin. A phosphorylation and adenylation then produces FAD.

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PDB Codes:

2BZ0 – GTP Cyclohydrolase II
4R14 – GTP Cyclohydrolase II
2G6V – RibD
2D5N – RibD
4G3M – RibG
4HA7 – Rib7
31QU – DHBP Synthase (bacteria)
1PVY – DHBP Synthase (Archaea)
1C2Y – Lumazine Synthase
1C41 – Lumazine Synthase
1T13 – Lumazine Synthase
5MPP – Lumazine Synthase (full wt)
5MQ3 – Lumazine Synthase (AaLS-neg)
5MQ7 – Lumazine Synthase (AaLS-13)
4GQN – Riboflavin Synthase
4E0F – Riboflavin Synthase
1N07 – Riboflavin Kinase
3G5A – FAD Synthetase (FMN adenylyltransferase)