Hey there our lovely viewers, In this video we have discussed 5 super powerful food that will boost to immunity to next level. If you like our content please do subscribe our channel for more interesting videos.


Intro – 0:01

1. Citrus Fruits – 0:40
2. Garlic – 1:14
3. Turmeric – 1:59
4. Mushroom – 2:28
5. Spinach – 2:48
6. Subscribe our channel – 3:34

1.Citrus fruits:

Orange and grapefruit specifically are very helpful to the immune system. They have been linked to increase the production of white blood cells, which are the infection fighters in the body. According to a published report, a lot of people turn to vitamin C when they are feeling cold. And that’s because it helps strengthen the immune system and speeds recovery. In addition to boosting your immune system, the vitamin C in citrus fruits also helps to maintain healthy skin.


This is one of the best foods to consume if your intention is to boost your immune system. Garlic has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Its immune-boosting properties come most likely from a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compound, called Allicin. Several researches have also linked Garlic to reduced rates of different types of cancer. In another study conducted, it was found that people who often add garlic to their food or eat it raw have 30% to 35% fewer colorectal cancers than those who do not eat garlic. This super food is also rich in antioxidants that destroy free radical responsible for cold, flu, heart diseases and other health conditions.


Oh Yeah! Here is a spice you shouldn’t skip in your meals! This yellow spice is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory property which comes from Curcumin, the compound that gives it its vibrant yellow colour. Curcumin has been found to activate the production of T-cells, which are the main cells fighting for your health in your immune system. Adding turmeric into your diet especially when you’re down with cold or flu will help give your immune system a boost.


Want to boost your immune system? Make friends with mushroom! Mushrooms contains beta glucan – a natural substance that helps prepare the immune system, making sure it is ready for action to fight off diseases. It also has antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.


What can you do with spinach?—A lot! This super food is packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and fiber. These nutrients in spinach boost the immune system and provide the body with necessary nutrients for cell division and DNA repair. It is also loaded with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene which increase the infection-fighting ability of your immune system. To fully reap the benefit of this super food, eat it raw or lightly cook to retain the nutrients. Think beyond spinach juice. Have you ever tried creamed spinach? What about spinach lasagna? garlic sautéed spinach? It’s never too late to try out new things.

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