UK mutation. Asymptomatic spreading? Polish anti-censorhip law! Swedish vitamin D sales explodes!

Make sure everyone know about these studies:

Between 0 and 0.7% of the ones sick in covid got it from someone asymptomatic according to these studies:

New JAMA meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77,758 participants finds household secondary attack rate (chance an infected person will infect one or more people at home) is 18% if the index case is symptomatic and 0.7% if asymptomatic.

More vaccine problems are being investigated:

So who needs any kind of evidence? Fuck that! PANIC! LOCK UP!
Like we noted last night, Boris Johnson has placed London (and parts of southeast England) on an even more restrictive lockdown as scientists have warned about a new mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2 – what the press and Health Secretary Matt Hancock have taken to calling “a new variant”

WHO: No evidence of that the mutation is important what so ever:

Sky News:

“COVID-19: Should we be worried about coronavirus mutating – and could it affect the vaccine?”
“may be up to 70% more transmissible” = “We make shit up!”

“The government’s advisers on new infections have “moderate” confidence that it is more able to transmit than other variants. ”

And then a lot of bla bla bla:

No truthworthy evidence of that the mutation is important:

While all influenza & all (other) beta-corona (common cold) viruses are mutating permanently, only a mutation of SARS-CoV-2 is reported & inflated into a (new) killer virus with nothing but lukewarm air. The leaders of the suicidal death cult #CoronasWitnesses must be desperate.

Do not try to censor the Poles!

Vitamin D sales in Sweden have exploded, but Swedish state media is just using this to spread propaganda from big pharma:

The big pharma guy says there are no randomized studies that prove that vitamin D supplements work, which is a lie:

Do you trust big pharma or 120 world leadning experts on vitamin D?

But also don’t forget about zinc and getting the blood sugar under control! You have to block all holes in the immune system, or viruses will get into the one you didn’t fix.

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