In winters eggs should be part of the daily diet experts say

Eggs should be part of the daily diet, experts say

Eggs are rich in protein and contain nutrients that help them lose weight and build muscle.

According to nutritionists, eggs should be an integral part of your daily diet in winter. This is because it contains ingredients that help boost the immune system.

Experts added that it is a complete and physical strength food. An egg gives you seven grams of healthy protein and five grams of beneficial fat.

It also contains iron, carotenoids, vitamin A, folate, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium and some vitamins D, E, K, B6, calcium and zinc.

The use of eggs in winter keeps the body warm, it contains useful fats that are useful for cell structure, organ protection.

In addition, eggs are an important source of vitamin D, in addition to eggs, sunlight is an important source of vitamin D and builds and strengthens our immune system.