Best Supplements For Urinary Incontinence: vitamins for urinary incontinence: Herbs For Bladder.

vitamins for urinary incontinence,
bladder strengthening supplements, herbs for urinary incontinence, natural remedies for overactive bladder at night.
1: Gosha-Jinki- Gan supplement

2: Buchu Supplement 

3: Palmetto supplement

4: Ganoderma Lucidum supplement

You might most likely have taken a multivitamin- perhaps a calcium or vitamin D for your bones.

But do you take anything for your urinary incontinence issues? You may be asking yourself, is that even possible?

If you are determined to live a more natural lifestyle, you are probably already familiar with different vitamins and supplements.

Millions of Americans are taking various vitamins and supplements- from vitamin C to fighting off colds in the winter to Melatonin to help them get better sleep.

However, it is essential to note that not all vitamins and supplements are tested or approved by the food and drug administration (FDA).

Your doctor may suggest you take supplements for certain health problems, especially if you are eating only a plant-based diet, breastfeeding, or pregnant.

Your nutrients need to be met mostly through consuming foods and proper supplementation.

For targeting your urinary incontinence, there are also vitamins and supplements. But it is very important to speak with your doctor before taking any vitamin or supplement regimen.

You need to ensure that nothing will interact with your medication if you are taking any of them.

Supplements for Urinary incontinence and Overactive Bladder.
Vitamin D:

According to a particular study, women over the age of 20 with normal vitamin D range were less likely to suffer a pelvic floor disorder, like incontinence.

If you are suffering from Urinary Incontinence, it may be the right time to check your vitamin D level through a simple blood test.

Gosha-jinki-gan is a blend of different herbs. It is one of the most studied herbs employed for the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome.

Researchers found out that Gosha-Jinki-Gan could be a safe and effective potential therapeutic alternative for treating overactive bladder.

It shows that it inhibits bladder activity by maintaining the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system’s balance at a low level.

Buchu is the bushy shrub, mostly known as Auguthosma Betulina or Barosma betulina. This shrub is native to the Cape region of South Africa, where it mostly grows wild on the sunny hillsides. It is also now cultivated in some parts of South America.

Its dried leaves and supplement made from them are often used to treat urinary tract infections. It is believed that Buchu helps to promote urine flow and the overall health of the urinary tract.

Cornsilk is the long and shiny fibers at the top of an ear of corn. It is used for different conditions such as bladder infection, inflammation of the prostate, inflammation of the urinary system, kidney stones, and bedwetting.

You can get cornsilk in the form of a supplement or tea.

It is also believed to soothe the urinary tract and was even used by the ancient Incas.

Saw palmetto:
Saw Palmetto has a long history of use as traditional medicine for urological diseases. These fruits are usually grown in the southern coastal regions of the United States. It can grow to about 2 to 4 feet high.

It is often praised for its ability to relieve urinary symptoms associated with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a condition that causes an enlargement of the prostate gland and results in decreased urine flow.

Magnesium plays an important role in our body; it is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions.

It is important for proper muscles and nerve function. Magnesium also supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and adjusts your blood glucose levels.

Some researchers believe that adequate magnesium levels can decrease bladder spasms, a common cause of urinary incontinence. You can check your magnesium levels through a blood test at your next doctor’s visit.

Ganoderma Lucidum:

Ganoderma Lucidum has rich medicinal properties. This mushroom has a long history of promoting health and longevity in many Asian countries, especially in China.

Recently a Japanese study showed that Ganoderma Lucidum could help people with urge incontinence after eight weeks of use.

It is so because Ganoderma Lucidum can lower the hormone levels associated with prostate growth, a lead cause of overflow incontinence in men.

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