Introduction to Supplements for Immune System Boost Protocol

Part 1. Welcome to the mini-series about supplements for boosting your immune system. I will help you better understand what supplements do for you, which ones to consider for your goals and the difference between various compounding formulations of similar supplement supplements. I will cover Vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, oregano oil, lomatium, reishi mushrooms, and a few other immune boosters in this series.

This is not a prescription, only information for your educational purposes. Always seek medical advice from your healthcare physician.
Dr. Maya provides consultations on personalizing supplements and will review your individual case to clear confusion and create an effective solution for you.

Remember, taking incorrect supplements is not just ineffective, it can lead to health problems.
But, when you chose the correct protocol, it might not only prevent some future health problems but correct existing ones.

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The basic immune system boost protocol:

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