Welcome to The Wellness Connection

The Wellness Connection is a premier natural health care center in the Midwest, empowering individuals and families towards a fulfilled life through the principles of healthy living.

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Dr. Jason Hamed: You’re not one thing. You’re not just a spine problem, you’re not a muscle ache, you’re not a thyroid condition, you’re a human being.

You’re this wonderful organism that is supposed to be balancing and counterbalancing all day long, and there are multiple systems that go on. There’s a muscular system, there’s a chemical system, there’s an emotional system, there are hormonal systems they all have to integrate together.

At The Wellness Connection, what our goal is, is to look at you as a whole person. To look at you structurally, where are you strong where are you weak, to look at you chemically, where are you strong where you’re weak, to look at your fitness levels and say where are you strong where you’re weak. None of them from a place of judgment, or shaming or making you feel bad but instead just looking at the facts through testing and then understanding if this is where you are, and this is where you want to go, then what we have to do is we just gotta create a bridge and get you there.

Dr. Olivia Joseph: You know I don’t give people like one size fits all diets. The dietary protocols that me and my team create are really individualized to that person, and what their needs are, what their goals are, and also what the testing shows us.

One thing they’re expecting is to see results. I completely agree with that. There’s no way I would give something six months of my life if I wasn’t seeing a significant improvement. I’m lit up every day and empowered because, in an entire day of patients, I hear multiple times, ” I have so much more energy.” “I can’t believe you figured out what’s wrong with me.” “I wish I would have done this years ago.” “I wish I would have found you years ago.” That lights me up, and it’s not that it’s a pat on my back, it’s that I know I’m using my gifts and talents to help others.

Dr. Whitney Hamed: We take our children to the pediatrician, we take them for checkups, eventually, we take them to the pediatric dentist. We take them to all kinds of places to make sure that their health is developing correctly. Chiropractic care can absolutely be one of those pieces into a way to keep your child well and check for imbalances that may cause problems down the road. I’m finding it’s amazing now the 18 years in practice how many parents are really seeking out health care and wellness care through chiropractic, and vitamin therapy, and nutritional therapy for their children.

Dr. Bryan Joseph: You can have so many wonderful things in your life, from your career to the way that you experience your relationships, but if you lose your health and you no longer have the vitality to be able to function and express yourself, then inevitably what good are all the other things.

Health to me and health to our team is really understanding that the choices you make and the stress that you’re exposed to, whether it be physical, chemical, or emotional, ultimately impact the health that you’ll be able to express throughout your life and it was vital for us to realize that all those things had to be connected and that’s why we came up with this brand or this name called The Wellness Connection, to try to integrate solutions that can help you know reduce and bring down stress in all those arenas of someone’s life.

When we sit down and actually say what are your goals, what is it that you’re looking to try to accomplish and then knowing that we have multiple services and multiple providers, it’s a beautiful thing that we can offer to a lot of people and say you’re asking for something that’s a little different than what you initially came in here for. Let me explain some of the other options that are available here, and make sure you’re fully aware of some of these things and then, if you give me permission, we can customize solutions for you and really guide you to where you want to go.

I feel it’s a relationship that we build together and but it all starts from identifying what it is that we can customize to try to get things on track for you.

Dr. Jason Hamed: What lights me up? 100 percent is when someone sees that change. When they literally see that little breakthrough moment where they go from being in pain and not having hope. All of a sudden, they start seeing the light, they start feeling better, and they literally start believing in their own body’s ability to heal and they get to go out and enjoy life.

That will hands down light me up!