Daily Yoga Vitamins to Improve Health! – Vitamin "G" Gratitude, "T" Tree Pose and "L" Love!

If you think of gratitude, love and a single leg balance poses as vitamins you may be more likely to add them to your life daily:) They are each so powerful in their own way and are very much like powerful healing vitamins.

Vitamin “G” gratitude is like doing a brain exercise. You literally shift the mental processes from the primitive limbic brain of fight and flight and move to the higher cortical section in our brain where resting and healing occurs. You rewire your brain every time you take this gratitude vitamin!

Vitamin “T” is tree pose which is a single leg balance pose. This will strengthen your leg muscles and bones and the hip joint which is a very precarious area of the body to fracture. In addition, to the physical muscular and bone strengthening you will also strengthen your balance and proprioceptive nervous system and this will aide in fall prevention and keep you strong.

Vitamin “L” love is the vibrational energy of nature. A perfect harmonious place where all is perfect, balanced and well and deep healing can occur. Take this vitamin by bring in more love to your life. Do things you love, be with people you love and/or get a pet or a plant to nurture and love!

Think of these vitamins as a way and add into your life more gratitude, strength, balance and love on a daily basis!

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