Covid-19: How the Virus Gets in and How to Block It: Aerosols, Droplets, Masks, Face Shields, & More

In this Covid-19 Medical Grand Rounds (July 16, 2020), three world experts discuss a variety of issues surrounding how the coronavirus moves from person to person, how best to block viral spread, and the potential that mask-wearing may not only prevent infection but also lead to a milder clinical course. The questions regarding aerosol vs. droplet transmission and the value of wearing masks and/or face shields are central to formulating public health strategies as well as to informing the personal decisions that each of us makes every day. The session is hosted by UCSF Department of Medicine chair Bob Wachter.

Bob Wachter: Introduction
00:04:45 – Aerosol vs. Droplets:
Don Milton, Professor, Environmental & Occupational Health, University of Maryland School of Public Health
00:25:35 – Q&A
00:29:03 – Masks:
Monica Gandhi, UCSF Professor of Medicine; Associate Chief of Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at ZSFG; Director of the UCSF Center for AIDS Research; and Medical Director of the HIV Clinic, Ward 86, ZSFG
00:45:46 – Q&A
00:48:25 – Face Shields:
Michael Edmond, Chief Quality Officer and Associate Chief Medical Officer, University of Iowa Health Care; Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
01:06:14 – Q&A
01:08:10 – Panel Discussion
01:28:57 – Bob Wachter: Closing

See previous Covid-19 Medical Grand Rounds:
• July 9: The State of the Pandemic, Opening the Schools, and the Outbreak at San Quentin State Prison

• June 25: Special Presentation: An Interview with John Barry, Author of the Bestselling Book, The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History

• June 18: Covid-19: Update in Therapies (including Steroids), and Covid Patients with Persistent Symptoms: What’s Going On?

• June 11: Covid-19: Update in Epidemiology, and, Are the Publication and FDA Approval Processes Moving Too Fast for Safety?

See all UCSF Covid-19 grand rounds, which have been viewed more than 300,000 times, here: