“Anti-Inflammatory Meat for Immunity & Overall Health”

“Anti-Inflammatory Meat for Immunity & Overall Health”
Did you know it is super important right now to NOT eat inflammatory foods? Watch this video to find out which meats you should eat & which you should avoid. Despite the controversial nature of this discussion, meat is actually good for you if it is sourced properly.

Key points of what you’ll learn:
-You are NOT only what you eat, you are what you eat, ate!
-Non-grass fed & non-pasture-raised sourced meats can harm your body and wreak havoc on your immune system and its ability to fight infection.
-Meats can be superfoods if they are from the best sources. Take advantage of all their health benefits shared in this video to help boost your immunity and overall health.

Watch this video to learn how you might be unknowingly harming your body and what you can do to change that now.

This is a well-trusted website to get the highest quality meats from:
-Pasture-raised Organic Poultry, Eggs, Pork & Grass-Fed Beef, Bison & Lamb

Vitamin D:
Glutathione in capsules:

Liposomal Glutathione:

For Functional Nutrition & support with your health concerns: The JumpStart Program is the way to get started working with me & the way to get customized help for your specific needs. Click on the link below to book now:

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