MY FLU SEASON SHIELD: A Simple & Economical Protocol

In this brief video I discuss a very simple flu season protocol utilizing three very cheap and easily obtainable supplements: Vitamin C, Vitamin D w/ Vitamin K, & Zinc.

These 3 components make up the absolute basic skeleton of a much deeper flu season protocol but even if you were to only take these 3 pieces of the bigger picture, you would be much better off than 70 % of the public. The key is to get the dosage right and this is where many people fail. We discuss dosages in prior videos which have been dedicated to the subject so please consult those videos for further information.

To summarize things for those who are interested, I take:

500mg – 3,000 mg vitamin c and sometimes I will only take 250mg. If I am taking whole food vitamin c I will take 1-2 doses.

1-2 capsules of jarrow formulas zinc balance a week, preferably on weekends.

4,000 – 10,000 IU Vitamin D w/ Vitamin K

As many of you know I am a huge fan of both whole foods vit-c, as well as synthetic. When asked however, most people prefer non-synthetic whole food sources of vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. I do my best to inspire people to use discernment as to what is best for them. Personally, I use both whole foods and synthetics, and I probably always will. My reason for this has been elaborated upon in various videos so I will not repeat myself in this post.

Here is a link to the exact Whole Foods Vitamin C from Peak Performance for 15 dollars.

You may have noticed that in a recent post about fighting off colds and sickness I discussed Zinc. If you are low in Zinc and Vitamin D there is a high likelihood that if there is something going around and you come into contact with it – you will get sick. Zinc is one of the bodies number 1 defenses against virus’s, pathogens, germs etc. Zinc has the ability to help prevent the multiplication of virus’s such as rhinovirus. Zinc is also directly related to the strength of your immune system. As Winter gets closer as the Seasons change, the weather is getting colder and wetter. Because of the cold in tandem with the lack of sun that comes with the change into Winter people naturally have a higher likelihood of catching something. Knowing this – it is wise to keep your vitamin D levels up with a supplement and it is also wise to take Zinc throughout the colder months. If you take a visit to your local drug store you will find that there are a handful of different zinc products such as zicam and zinc lozenges. I would suggest instead of using them – simply take a quality zinc supplement once to twice a week for prevention. I suggest Zinc Balance by Jarrow Formulas. It is incredibly cheap at $7 and is effective. It is also a low dose of zinc unlike many of the zinc products on the market that have upwards of 50mg of zinc per dose. To make that is crazy. Zinc toxicity is a very real thing and keeping your zinc intake on the lower end can help you avoid that. Zinc balance has a more gentle form of zinc in it than most supplements and comes with the proper balance of copper in it. There is a synergy between zinc and copper and sadly most zinc supplements do not have copper in them.


As for Vitamin D: Simply buy a well reviewed Vitamin d3 Supplement containing vitamin K.