BOOST Energy & Repair Kidneys Naturally | 5 VITAMINS & Remedies

Top 5 natural remedies and vitamins to RESTORE YOUR ENERGY levels and to REPAIR YOUR KIDNEYS!
Being lethargic the whole day and sleepless during the night is not just bad for your quality of life, it may also impact your kidney health.

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BUT there’s a solution to the problem and not just to the symptom.
So today we are going to see what natural remedies can help you boost both your energy levels and your kidney health!


Katherine from 00kidney here, welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health!
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⚫ How to find supplements mentioned in the video


Intro – 0:00
A natural remedy to sleep better – 0:48
Why is sleep quality it so important – 2:03
One of the most important vitamins for kidneys – 4:33
A vitamin to slow down CKD – 6:39
A home remedy with impressive benefits – 8:50
Most powerful remedy for energy levels – 13:03

IMPORTANT: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel.
All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor.
The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice.


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Number 5 – Melatonin
Ok, I can’t believe I’ve never talked about melatonin before!
Melatonin is my go-to home remedy, coupled with chamomile, when it comes to solving a lack of sleep problem.
It really works!
And, according to a recent study, it may also have kidney protective and repairing effects! More about this in a moment.
First, what is melatonin?
Melatonin is a hormone. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle.
It’s naturally produced by the body in response to darkness. It has a very important role in initiating and maintaining sleep.
As a dietary supplement, it is a natural, inexpensive, widely available remedy for insomnia.
Melatonin is sold over the counter, you may be able to find it even in supermarkets, and it’s often used for the short-term treatment of insomnia, such as from jet lag.
And a lot of people use melatonin if they have jobs that disrupt typical sleep schedules.
Now, regular sleeping patterns are key not just to improve energy levels during the day, but also to protect kidney health.

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Why is it important to sleep well if you care about your kidneys?
Lack of sleep has been linked to a multitude of health problems.
Lack of sleep and sleep deprivation challenge all the organs in the body, the researchers say.
Symptoms such as infertility, mental health problems, weakened immune system, weight gain and even diabetes and heart disease are linked to it.
And the kidneys may be the organ more in danger, when not sleeping enough.
There’s a study from the Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital directly linking poor sleep to a rapid decline in kidney function.
People who slept five hours or less per night were those more at risk of rapid kidney function decline.
Now, to make things worse, accumulating evidence has suggested that subjects with CKD or on dialysis exhibit altered circadian rhythms of melatonin levels in the blood.