Global Cleanse IMUNE Archetypes, Raising Humanity's Immunity & Fermented Foods which are Good

Professor Desire Dubounet lectures on Carl Jung’s Archetypes and the relevance for healing. Jane Discusses Raising Humanity’s Immunity to COVID and Fermented Foods which are good for you. Recipes and methods provided: Idly, Dhokla, Miso, Cottage Cheese, Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Kimchi and Microbiome Reset over 80 Live Probiotic Strains with Enzymes from 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE – Reduces Stress, Builds Immunity, improves Brain Fog, Assists with digestions and absorption, synthesis of vitamin B and K, Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA and PEA in the gut, scavenges heavy metals, parasites and toxins