Joe Rogan and Matthew Yglesias talk vaccines, Bill Gates, and Vitamin D

This first part of this video is intended to be parody. The last section about vitamin D is intended to be informational.

I do hope for the the best in regards to the vaccinations, but the eagerness and blind faith demonstrated by people like Matthew is hilarious to me. Yes, vaccinations are generally safe and effective, but these same people who promote it while neglecting the potential dangers of mass trial testing vaccinations and dismissing the positive benefits of many actions we can take to boost our immune systems, one of which is vitamin D.

This is the time to convince everyone to take better care of their health through actions within their control, not just feeling helpless and waiting for a savior. Why not encourage: Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Probiotics, Breathwork, personalized exercise, eating a diet with less carbs/sugar and more vegetables, limiting processed foods, limiting alcohol/smoking, time restricted eating, cold showers, etc We are so quick to look for outside help, yet dismiss our own proven power over our own immune system and susceptibility. A personalized synergy of everything above would greatly benefit the general public.

90% of adults between 50-70 do not get enough vitamin D.

16% of Retirement community dwellers above age 65 eat less than 1000 calories a day:

About 70% of all US COVID-19 deaths are to age 70 y or above: .

Over 80% of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain have vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Vitamin D alone would be an enormous step. We should not simply just rely on the vaccine and ignore our own responsibilities here. The proven benefits of Vitamin D sufficiency, and likewise the negative affects of Vitamin D insufficiency, are irrefutable, and Vitamin D is only one factor in a network of untapped personal power we have over our health and wellbeing. We ought to take advantage of this time to do the research, take a close look at our life, and recalibrate wherever possible. Why fearfully wait for a vaccine when we can take life-changing action now?

More Links:

Bill Gates interview on side effects:

Glenn Grothman’s speech:

Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s tweet: