Coronavirus Explained: why the UK COVID-19 lockdown won't be lifted yet

Ministers have warned that the UK coronavirus lockdown could be stretched into May, after warning that relaxing it too soon will kill thousands more.

A Cobra emergency committee is being held this afternoon to discuss the lockdown rules, after Brits have endured their third week of confinement.

The lockdown is widely expected to be extended as hundreds of people continue to die daily from COVID-19.

Today, Dr Hilary Jones, TV’s most-trusted medic explains why the lockdown measures won’t be lifted yet and what it would take for rules to be relaxed,

As well as answering the following Sun reader questions:

– Do we know if you can catch coronavirus again? If not, can our antibodies be used to possibly find an antidote?

– Why is there so much red tape around treatments?

– What happens after we have been in lockdown? Do we all venture out and get back to normal?

– Is any country searching for a vaccine?

– Should we be wearing masks outside? I also see a lot of people wearing plastic gloves. What would you advise?

– Is it ok to use ordinary soap like Pears/ Dove etc when washing hands?

– Why are we not spraying disinfectant on streets, as the virus can live on surfaces?

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