How to boost your immunity in a natural way?

Today’s topic is ‘How to boost our immunity’
Happiness gives you strong immunity power ,so try to be Happy for good immune system.And if your immunity is good you will not fall sick frequently.
Seven things which will help to boost immunity-
1- 40 min Morning walk/Exercise/yoga by this our body releases good harmone endorphin,by which we feel happy.
2-Sun Bath for minimum half an hour between 8 Am to12:pm. It balances our vitamin -D.
3- Healthy diet Rich in Proteins and vitamins.
4-Meditation for better mental health.
1-Giloy Kadha
Take small part of giloy stem or 1-2 giloy leaves,crush them and add them in two glass of water ,keep it for boiling ,drink it when it comes to 1/4 glass.
2- Ma ya Dadi ma ja kadha- Take
1- 3-4 black peper(kali mirch)
2-2 cloves(laung)
3- 3-4 tulsi leaves
4-small piece of ginger(adrak)
5-1-2 cardon(ilaychi)
6-small piece of cinnamon (dalchini)
add the mixture to 2 glasses of water and boil it ,till it becomes 1/4 glass ,very affective in seasonal fever cold and cough.
6- Two crystals which are known to boost immunity-
You can wear them in any form- Bracelet/ pendant /Neck piece or you can place them in your room.
7- Try to spend some time in North of North east direction of your house means direction between North and North east. According to vastu it is Health zone and helps to increase immunity if you spend time in it.

#How_to_boost_our _immunity #vastu

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