Take Your Vitamins – Coronavirus Music Video

This song is a tribute to the individuals and their families that have suffered from Coronavirus, those that are currently fighting against it every day, and the HEROS on the front lines serving them.
It encourages everyone to choose to be healthy and build the immune system to withstand the Evil Forces of Covid-19. It is a war we must fight both physically and mentally. Positivity and health will be our path to #1 Victory! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΏ

#coronavirus #fightback #takeyourvitamins

If you want to purchase the Vitamins that we use every day just click on one of our links and watch 10:54 for further instructions!

Take Your Vitamins – Coronavirus Music Video (Lyrics)

Yoyo, Doctor Li the hero made the sacrifice to warn us
About the man-made Virus that has here come to destroy us
The prophesied plague is spreading fast here to neg
You better listen now or your cells will tear and beg

Take your Vitamins 2x
Take em everyday!
Take them twice a day!

Take your Vitamins 2x
Take em everyday!
Take them twice a day!

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Workout every day!
Workout twice a day!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Workout every day!
Workout twice a day!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Keep your hands clean
Wash em away
Take your Vitamins 2x

Keep your distance be safe today!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Take your Vitamins 4x

Take your Vitamins 4x

Take your Vitamins 4x

Take your Vitamins 4x

Yoyo, We gotta spend those points on the health and build that human system,
to Fight back! fight back! Fight back! fight back! Fight back! fight back!

“Bro! Stop drinking that Soda! Did you know that one can of Soda will shut down your immune system for 16 hours!? Yeah, 16 hours! Do you know what’s that’s like?! That’s like going to war for 16 hours NAKED! Crush that Qispee! And dump that Krappa Cora!”

“Dude! Stop eating that cereal! It’s like eating a bowl of sugar! Froot Loops and Cocoa Puffs!? You gotta be real cuckoo to eat that! Lucky charms? More like Unlucky charms! Frosted Flakes? Not so great when it helps you get Corona aids!

Yoyo, We gotta spend those points on the health and build that human system,
to Fight back! fight back! Fight back! fight back! Fight back! fight back!
Fight back! Fight baaaaaack!

Take your Vitamins 2x
Take them every day!
Take them twice a day!

Take your Vitamins 2x
Take them every day!
Take them twice a day!

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Workout every day!
Workout twice a day!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Workout every day!
Workout twice a day!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Keep your hands clean
Wash em away
Take your Vitamins 2x

Keep your distance be safe today
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

(Ending Chorus)
Take em everyday
Take em twice a day
Take your Vitamins 2x

Take em everyday
Take em twice a day
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Danger always coming our way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

We will fight until we’re all clean!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Corona Virus coming your way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

Danger always coming our way!
Take your Vitamins 2x

We will fight until we’re all clean!
Take your Vitamins
Take your Viitaamiiiiiiiinnnnss!



Corona Virus is here today

Danger always coming our way

We will fight until we’re all made clean