Germany records new high in COVID deaths +++ US endorses BioNTech Pfizer Vaccine | Covid Update

Germany has had a dramatic spike in new cases over the past day. The country has hit a new high of nearly 30-Thousand cases. And nearly 600 people have died – the highest daily total yet. Weeks of partial lockdown haven’t slowed the spread of infection enough. Much tougher restrictions seem almost inevitable now — with political momentum building for a harder lockdown over the holidays.

The US appears on the verge of approving the country’s first coronavirus vaccine. An expert panel of scientists and doctors have reviewed information on the shot, and are recommending emergency use of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. Their endorsement paves the way for the country’s Food and Drug Adminstration to issue the necessary final approval. Once that happens, the first shots could be given within days. Regulators in Britain and Canada have already approved the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine for use in their countries.

Indonesia received its first shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from China this week as the government prepares for a mass inoculation program. The vaccine, developed by Sinovac Biotech, will be evaluated by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority for emergency use. Indonesian clerics are also expected to issue a halal certification for the experimental drug. President Joko Widodo says these are only the first steps, and more doses are on the way.

An experimental vaccine developed by French drugmaker Sanofi and Britain’s GlaxoSmithKline has shown an insufficient immune response in clinical trials. The companies hope to come up with a more effective drug by the end of 2021.

Australia has cancelled the production of its own COVID-19 vaccine — after some trial participants returned false positive results for HIV. The government said it would order other vaccines to make up the shortfall.

And researchers say the global response to the pandemic has driven a record 7-percent drop in annual CO2 emissions. The UN says they’d have to continue to decline at that rate for the next decade to reach international climate goals.


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