Vitamin D: What you don’t know

From my experience as a nutritionist, this is the most misunderstood vitamin and one of the most important.
Vitamin D is in fact an hormone but this needs your attention as same as vitamins.
This is a short video summarizing what you need to know to keep healthy.

*New videos go live every Thursday 🙂

This new channel will be about wellness and beauty. Please join me on this journey to ‘The Equilibrium’ between beauty and health in a holistic way.

I am a professional Nutritionist and Agronomist with love for sciences to improve the lives of all of us. But I also want to hear your experience: you are welcome to write this down on the comments 🙂

My main dream is to have a job which helps others. So I would be very happy if you let me know that I am doing something good for you 🙂