Hydrogen peroxide. Covid and autoimmune disease. Ivermectin+iota-carrageenan 100%. Zombie test

I have set up a Swedish web shop. Tell me if you want another language on any of the countries that / is supporting!

Swedish vitamin-D video: (some new links to pre-covid vitamin D studies)
The first version of the English Vitamin D video:

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity:

The analysis of the excellent results of two clinical trials of ivermectin +iota-carrageenan as prophylaxis in Argentina are now published:

“We conclude that by using ivermectin in oral solution and carrageenan in nasal spray form”
Ivermectin and carrageenan had a 100% success-rate in preventing health care workers from testing positive for covid.

Different ivermectin studies – It is working amazingly well:


Democrats are really trying to destroy as much of America as they posibly can:

More about what a postive covid-test really means:

Björn Hammarskjöld writes:

International Consortium of Scientists in Life Sciences (ICSLS) calls for retraction and that healthcare can no longer use rtRT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2

Why People Shrink With Age and How to Prevent It? Dr Eric Berg:

Needed: Non-processed real fats, protei, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D, intermittent fasting, training sprinting and boxing.

The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund must not be run by someone with a wife in China:

Sidney Powell: evidence of fake Chinese ballots; AZ lawmakers call for audit of Dominion machines

“A court ordered statistically significant sample of Arizona’s mail in ballots found 11% of the accepted ballots did NOT match according to the Democrats’ own expert. That is thirty times more illegal ballots than the margin of victory. Georgia, Pennsylvania & Nevada likely worse.”

The election process dates in December are not in the Constitution and not written in stone:

Voter fraud database:

1125 criminal convictions, according to MSM based on “no evidence”?!?

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

It is possible that the vaccines are safe and that it’s the anti-vaxxer parents that are WAY WAY better at giving their children good nutrition. For example vitamin D really protects against ADHD and astma, while seed oils, sugar and low-fat food cause all sorts of problems in the poor children of parents who believe media and the healthcare system.

But something good from big pharma: They have developed a zombie test. It is called “covid vaccine” and everyone who takes or promotes it is a zombie, so if you have a brain, stay away from these people:

How to shell eggs after 2 bottle of wines. Not sure if it works without wine:

This might get you into some Christmas spirit:

Use this and register on Rumble where videos are uploaded an hour earlier:

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