Immunity Boosting Formula- NATURAL DEFENCE-Ayusanti

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The daily toil of modern – living – fraught with stresses and pollutants – adds – unnecessary burden on the body’s immune system.

signed by nature to keep us healthy protecting us from toxins and impurities, protecting us from toxins and impurities, Ayusanti believes that our immune system needs to be cared for and nourished, too.

Based on ancient Indian Ayuverdic principles , it’s our belief that a lack of proper immunity nutrition leads to an imbalance in our bodies , manifested through symptoms of illness and disease. This is why Ayusanti Immunity Boosting formula was created .

Designed to counteract this imbalance, it includes a unique blend of full spectrum hemp extract (including CBD) , tumeric and vitamin vitamin C traditionally used to help maintain healthy immune function.

The Ayuverdic and vitamin C contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and the protection of cells from oxidative stress, while CBD is added for it potential role in overall heath health and wellbeing.