12 Foods boost your immunity | How to Naturally Build your immune system

Regardless of the fact that there is certainly little study to support the use of any health supplement which can help offer protection to people facing COVID-19, it is actually still critical to enhance your immune system to help keep oneself healthy.

What types of minerals or vitamins are mainly good with regard to your immune system?
What type of foods are abundant in these types of minerals/ vitamins?

This video recording will share with you 3 varieties of minerals and 2 types of vitamins that are helpful to boost your immune system. I’ll also share with you where exactly we can obtain these from our everyday foods. A number of selections for vegans are also suggested in this video.

Zinc can be found in cells almost everywhere in the body. It helps the immune system battle off the invading bacteria and viruses. The body also requires zinc to produce proteins and DNA. Zinc doesn’t get as much attention as many other vitamins and minerals, many people don’t recognize our bodies need it so that our immune cells can work as designed.

Which foods contain high in Zinc?

Oysters have high zinc content and contain more zinc per serving than most other foods. Other seafoods such as mussels and crabs are other good sources for zinc. If you go with meat in general as your source for zinc, it is better to choose 90% lean beef, pork tenderloin and boneless chicken breasts. A cup of chopped skinless chicken breast has 19 percent of the daily recommended amount of zinc.

For vegans, fortified cereal with non-dairy milk or yogurt for breakfast would make a perfect choice for a source of zinc.

Men in general need only 11 milligrams of zinc daily, whereas women the suggested amount is no more than 8 milligrams.

Taking too much zinc can actually suppress your immune system.

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Iron is important for the immune system. It helps to support red blood cells in carrying oxygen throughout the body. It helps also with proper lymphocyte development in response to an infection.

Shellfish also contains a great source of iron in addition to zinc.
Liver and other organ meats such as kidneys, brain, and heart are also high in iron. For example, a 100-gram of beef liver provide 36% of daily recommended amount of iron.

If you don’t like eating organ meats, legumes are other options which are also great for vegan.
Most common types of legumes are beans, lentils, peas and soybeans. To help with maximizing the absorption of iron it is recommended to take iron with foods high in vitamin C, such as various citrus fruits, and tomatoes.

Selenium is also important for the health of your immune system. It acts as an antioxidant and helps to reduce inflammation in the body and enhances your immune system. A great source for selenium can be found in Brazil nuts. One Brazil nut alone already exceeds the daily recommended allowance of selenium. Bear in mind that overconsumption of selenium can lead to toxicity.

Fish products such as halibut, sardines, and tuna can be an excellent source of selenium.
Mushrooms and sunflower seeds are great options for vegans needing selenium.

Do you also know that Vitamin C, is one of the biggest immune boosters of all? Do you also know that vitamin C can be found, in red bell peppers and not just citrus fruits? One red bell pepper contains three times as much, vitamin C as an orange.
And for the very last, Vitamin B6 is necessary for promoting biochemical reactions in the immune system, and in the making of new red blood cells.

Tuna and Salmon contain a great amount of Vitamin B6. A six-ounce tuna fillet can fulfill a daily need for vitamin B6.

Lean chicken breast is also an excellent option for vitamin B6.

For vegans, one cup of fortified tofu provides 66% of the everyday needs of vitamin B6. Just one cup of sweet potatoes is one other great alternative that provides 35% of the suggested allowance for vitamin B6.

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