7 Shocking Health Benefits of Cantaloupe Fruit

7 Shocking Health Benefits of Cantaloupe Fruit || Benefits of Eating Cantaloupe

While shopping in the produce aisle choosing out the best fruits, you may not plan to bring cantaloupe at home – but you must, because this healthy fruit is one of the most humble and versatile choices in the supermarket.
According to nutritionists every adult should eat one to two cups of any fruit every day, and for that purpose, there is no better option than cantaloupe; this sweet melon is enriched with vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and a great deal of water. Plus fiber in it also aids in slowing down the absorption of naturally existing sugars that genuinely help in controlling blood sugar.

In today’s video, we will share 7 top health benefits of cantaloupe.

1) Best for hydration
When we talk about fruits stock full of water, watermelon comes first in our minds. Cantaloupe contains 90 percent water. This humble fruit amazingly beats dehydration and has only 53 calories. So, it can be the best option to eat before a workout or stay hydrated on a hot day.

2) Loaded with antioxidant power
Antioxidants are the compounds that can preclude cell damage, and they are available in various forms, but the widely known are beta carotene. Our bodies convert the beta carotene to vitamin A. The orange color of cantaloupe is because of the presence of beta carotene in it.
Beta carotene also aids in repressing cell damage and also reducing the chances of cancer to a great extent. It also helps in quashing off the inflammation since it chips into the cell tissue health and immune system.

3) Improves hair growth
Cantaloupe is enriched with vitamins A and C; these nutrients are substantive to maintain healthy and strong hair, and only a single serving of cantaloupe per day can help in hair growth and almost stops hair fall. Vitamin A is believed best to produce sebum. This compound helps in moisturizing our scalp and hair.
Vitamin C in cantaloupe helps in the creation and sustenance of collagen, which helps in structuring our skin and hair. Vitamin C absorbs iron which works as a potent supplement for hair growth.

4) Fights inflammation and fuels your body with potassium
As we previously mentioned, cantaloupe is loaded with inflammation-fighting antioxidants including zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. Antioxidants remove free radicals from the body that can cause cancer. At the same time, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene are supposed to play an essential role in maintaining eye health and decrease the chances of age-related macular degeneration. Also, cantaloupe is a fantastic source of potassium, and our body daily needs 10 percent potassium.

5) Keeps your skin and heart-healthy
Multiple studies and reports have confirmed that applying antioxidants over your skin can help in slackening the aging process. When you use skincare products loaded with vitamin A and C, you can observe exact results in the form of shiny and glowing skin. However, sequestering a nutrient from a fruit can’t be as beneficial as eating that fruit. For a shiny, healthy, and smooth skin, you can eat a bowl of salad containing cantaloupe coupled with almonds and avocados with a drizzle of olive oil.

6) Healthy pregnancy
Cantaloupe contains a high proportion of vitamin B9 or folate. Besides producing healthy red blood cells, folate helps in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Folate is essential for pregnant females during the first few weeks. The CDC recommends that every pregnant woman should consume 350-400 gm folate daily for the proper formation of the baby’s neural tube.

7) It boosts your beauty.
Cantaloupe leads to tremendous changes in your appearance. You can observe your wrinkles are gone and the anti-aging effects of this sweet melon by eating a single serving of cantaloupe daily. Vitamin C in cantaloupe boosts your beauty.
