Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies 7,500 mg + Vitamin C 90 mg Extra Strength – Herbal Immunity…

– Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies 7,500 mg + Vitamin C 90 mg Extra Strength – Herbal Immunity Supplement for Cold & Flu …

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Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies 7,500 mg + Vitamin C 90 mg Extra Strength – Herbal Immunity Supplement for Cold & Flu …
Awesome product. Hardest thing ever in my house to get anyone to take vitamins and this gummy is a hit! It tastes great and had helped Immensely with the cold going through our house.
Has cut the duration in half! And the symptoms were bearable! Highly recommend!
At first I was very skeptical about vitamins in gummies…
But its really easy to remember to take them now because of the reward of the gummy/candy .. Ive always bought vitamins and after taking a couple usually they just sit there until they expire.. but not these.
Ate the whole thing in…
Awesome product. Hardest thing ever in my house to get anyone to take vitamins and this gummy is a hit! It tastes great and had helped Immensely with the cold going through our house.
Has cut the duration in half! And the symptoms were bearable! Highly recommend!
At first I was very skeptical about vitamins in gummies…
But its really easy to remember to take them now because of the reward of the gummy/candy .. Ive always bought vitamins and after taking a couple usually they just sit there until they expire.. but not these.
Ate the whole thing in a month or so, my hubby helped. Ordered a new container, and honestly its become such a routine now we will continue to buy these every winter season!
I bought the Elderberry Chewies mainly for my daughter who is 11. She said they tasted great! Let everyone else try and they said same thing. I wanted the chewies vs syrup for her as she does not like taking “medicine”.
Elderberry is supposed to be good for blucking flu virus and helping with immune. I will def. be getting more.
The gummies arrived at the precise moment when my 18-month-old granddaughter started with a cold, I quickly chopped a gummy into 4 parts and gave her 2 pieces, she responded very well and at night she had another face, she looked good and slept the whole night without problems !!
has continued well! I give the other 5-year-old granddaughter a daily gummy, I am very happy with the results, I think that God has put her hand and I will continue buying these gummies for my granddaughters because the results so far have been spectacular
Thats a lot of vitamin C for 1 little gummy. I strongly advise you research how much vitamin C a human actually needs to avoid deficiencies. Ill tell you: its almost 0.
I cut these gummies in 10 pieces and I take one per week. Research shows that you can reverse the very worst side effects of vitamin C deficiencies, or rather depletion, such as skurvy, with less than 10mg per day for a week.
Do you see what I mean by, you really dont need hundreds or worse, thousands of mg supplements of this?
It does almost nothing for you other than to throw your minerals and vitamins off balance if you eat more than a few mg per day (vit C contains copper at the center of the complex, when you take copper, the body compensates by using up other minerals.)
The reason I even take these is because high doses of vitamin C is necessary to process carbs properly. Sometimes I like to get off my carnivore diet and binge on carbs and other junk food.
I take a tenth of a gummy and it does the trick.
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Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies 7,500 mg + Vitamin C 90 mg Extra Strength – Herbal Immunity Supplement for Cold & Flu …

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