Vitamin D: an overlooked Hormone Vitamin with Doc Cherry (2020)

According to the Internal Journal of Health Sciences, Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. Even with the medical advances of the century, vitamin D deficiency is still epidemic with over a billion people worldwide deficient in it. Yet no international health organization or governmental body has declared a health emergency to warn the public about the urgent need of achieving sufficient vitamin D blood levels.
Vitamin D is known to be the “sunshine vitamin” and works like a hormone since it controls the amount of calcium and phosphate in your blood. If you lack Vitamin D, you will have soft, thin and brittle bones. Together with your calcium, Vitamin D will protect you from the loss of bone mineral density or what we call as osteoporosis. Vitamin D is important for you to be able to move your muscles and it is even linked to boost your immune system against virus and bacteria. In a journal published this year they found that patients who tested positive for Covid 19 are at 20 times more at risk to be in ICU if they were Vitamin D deficient and that supplementation could improve one’s clinical results.
Here are the 8 symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency
1) Chronic fatigue
If you find yourself always feeling tired, this is one sign of Vitamin D deficiency because this humble vitamin can enhance the activity of your mitochondria which is considered as the “powerhouse” of your cell that provides you with energy
2). Bone pain
Although bone pain is common especially if you are already getting older, bone pain may indicate that you lack Vitamin D since lack of Vitamin D means that calcium is not well-absorbed in your body which is needed for bone health.
3) You easily get sick
Do you know that even in laboratory studies, it had been shown that Vitamin D deficiency can result in obesity, diabetes, hypertension, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuro-degenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and 17 varieties of different cancers as well as heart disease, stroke, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, and periodontal disease (highlight study). If you notice in yourself that you easily get sick such as always catching a cold, look into the possibility of Vitamin D deficiency and do something about it.
4 )You easily gets agitated and you always feel sad
Vitamin D has the capacity to release neurotransmitteras like dopamine and serotonin that are called happy hormones that’s why lack of Vitamin D had been linked to depression and the reason why Vitamin D supplementation is recommended for those with depression and anxiety disorders.
5. Difficulty sleeping
Fewer sleeping hours, less restful and restorative sleep at night
6. Muscle pain
Vitamin D is needed for optimal muscle functioning
7. Hair fall
8. Slower wound healing time

Vitamin D a vitamin that we just take for granted? According to the Internal Journal of Health Sciences, Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. Even with the medical advances of the century, vitamin D deficiency is still epidemic with over a billion people worldwide deficient in it. Yet no international health organization or governmental body has declared a health emergency to warn the public about the urgent need of achieving sufficient vitamin D blood levels
Vitamin D is known to be the “sunshine vitamin” and works like a hormone since it controls the amount of calcium and phosphate in your blood. If you lack Vitamin D, you will have soft, thin and brittle bones which we call rickets for children and osteomalacia for adults. Together with your calcium, Vitamin D will protect you from the loss of bone mineral density or what we call as osteoporosis. Vitamin D is important for you to be able to move your muscles and it is even linked to boost your immune system against virus and bacteria. In a journal published this year they found that patients who tested positive for Covid 19 are at 20 times more at risk to be in ICU if they were Vitamin D deficient and that supplementation could improve one’s clinical results.

Doc Cherry is a licensed Physical Therapist in the Philippines and USA. She studied Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy at Iloilo Doctors and graduated Doctor of Physical Therapy from Utica, NewYork, USA. Currently she evaluates and treats patients with various musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions for both pediatric & geriatric patients.
This Channel aims to promote simple home exercises for common conditions faced by our society today as guided by Doc Cherry with minimal to no devices used to manage your symptoms. This channel also aims to create Physical Therapy awareness and offer its benefit to the public.
The medical information herein is to be used as a guide and in no way should replace personal consultation from a licensed medical professional.

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