Photo Presentation | Tashi Lhunpo | COVID19 | LOCKDOWN | CORONA WARRIOR | STAY HOME STAY SAFE | 2020

In the beginning of the year 2020, the Wuhan Coronavirus spread all around the world and came to India as well and began to spread in unprecedented numbers.

On October 24th, some monks of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery were tested positive and immediately the abbot set up an emergency health care committee to test and quarantine the infected. On the 26th and 27th all the resident monks were tested and those infected were quarantined separately and two senior monks needing special attention were sent to the Tso Jhe Khangsar medical facility at Bylakuppe.

As of 3rd December, we are pleased to announce that we have no more cases of coronavirus and those infected and quarantined have now tested negative. The monks are slowly resuming their monastic activities while keeping in mind the social distancing protocols.

Ever since the pandemic broke out, all necessary protocols like sanitisation, mask use, temperature checkup, immunity boosting supplements are all being taken care of by the monastery. Also, putting philosophy in practice, the monastery has reached out to the local population in the vicinity with assistance in the form of provisions and cooking supplies.

We are much grateful to our abbot Venerable Zeekyab Rinpoche la and Lekshey Gasal Association for their numerous efforts in managing the situation. We are also thankful to the Jamtse Medical Association of Taiwan for their help with the equipment and our dear patrons & donors for their unwavering support.

We appreciate the wonderful works of two settlement Representative of Bylakuppe and Tso Jhe Khangsar staff in these difficult times, also the Talhun healthcare staff and monastery volunteers who took initiative to keep the pandemic in check.

We thank one and all for coming together and helping each other in these unprecedented


Office of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery